Dentsville Personal Injury Lawyer
Being hurt in an accident can have serious consequences for almost all other areas of your life. This can feel extremely unfair if someone else is to blame for the accident. You should not have to shoulder the burden of your injuries alone. Our legal team can help you get fair financial compensation from those who are responsible.
You can begin a personal injury case by talking to an attorney about the accident and your injuries. If you have a valid cause of action, your attorney can help you submit your case to the courts. However, no case can even begin without evidence to back it up. We can review the accident location, photos, videos, and witness testimony to determine how your accident occurred and who is responsible. Common types of personal injury claims include auto accidents, defective goods, and medical injuries, among others. Contact an attorney soon, as you have limited time to file your claims.
Call Burriss Ridgeway Injury Lawyers at (803) 451-4000 and ask our Columbia, SC personal injury attorneys for a free, private case review.
How to Begin a Personal Injury Case in Dentsville
Many injured victims know they have a legal claim on their hands, but they might not know what to do with it. How does one start a lawsuit, anyway? The answer is both simple and complicated. A lawsuit begins when a plaintiff files the necessary paperwork with the court to start the lawsuit. However, preparing the paperwork can be extremely challenging and time-consuming.
Your first step should be to talk to a lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney should be familiar with the legal procedures needed to get your case into a courtroom. Remember, it takes time to prepare a case, and the sooner you contact a lawyer about your case, the more time they have to build the case.
Before the case is filed, we need to gather evidence and evaluate your damages. This information is necessary for the initial complaint that will initiate the case in court. We must include at least some evidence when we file the case so that the court knows your claims are not baseless. Evidence shows you have a legally valid cause of action. We should also have details about your damages. Anything not claimed in the initial complaint might be off the table, and you might not get the full value of your damages.
When your case is finally prepared and ready to go, our personal injury lawyers will file the case with the appropriate court. Not all courts are the same, and you must file the case with a court that has legal jurisdiction over the case. Your attorney can help you determine where to file the complaint.
Using Evidence to Build Your Dentsville Personal Injury Case
As said before, we must have some evidence ready when we file the case. However, we do not need all possible evidence or even enough evidence to meet our burden of proof. We may collect additional evidence after the case is filed. Your attorney can help you figure out what you might be missing and how to fill in any gaps in your case.
Photos and videos are common pieces of evidence in many personal injury cases. For example, security cameras might have been in the area depending on where your accident occurred. For example, a slip-and-fall accident in a grocery store might be caught on security cameras. Getting the footage before it is accidentally erased or deleted might shed light on how you were injured and why the defendant is responsible. In other cases, recordings are made shortly after the accident. For example, drivers often snap pictures of accidents to send to insurance companies, but these pictures may also be used as evidence in the courtroom.
We can also use medical information and records as part of our evidence. Many people recover from their injuries by the time they appear before a jury. As such, we need medical records to prove just how badly you were hurt. If your injuries are especially severe or complex, we might need medical records just to help the jury understand the nature of your injuries and how they affect your life.
Typical Examples of Dentsville Personal Injury Claims
What is interesting about personal injury cases is that they may encompass a whole host of accidents, injuries, and claims. To be considered a personal injury case, your claims must include a physical or bodily injury of some kind. Below are a few examples of common personal injury cases our office has worked on.
Vehicle Accidents
Accidents on the road are extremely common and among some of the most frequently filed personal injury claims. Accidents resulting from speeding, distracted drivers, and even intoxicated drivers are common in personal injury cases. These accidents often lead to severe injuries, and your damages might be worth far more than you realize.
Defective Goods
Have you ever tried to use a brand new good or product you just bought only to find it is broken or defective? In some cases, unsuspecting consumers are badly hurt when products malfunction. For example, a construction worker might use a new circular saw only to be badly cut when the device malfunctions. These product liability cases may lead to significant financial compensation, and you can sue the manufacturer and possibly others within the chain of sale.
Medical Injuries
Some injuries do not occur in our normal daily lives. Instead, many people are injured when they seek help from doctors. Medical negligence is a serious issue, and patients might be grievously harmed. Surgical errors, misdiagnoses, and mismanagement of medications are just a few examples of how people might experience medical injuries. If your injuries stem from medical treatment that fell below standards of care, talk to a lawyer immediately.
Speak to Our Dentsville Personal Injury Lawyers About Your Injuries Now
Call Burriss Ridgeway Injury Lawyers at (803) 451-4000 and ask our personal injury attorneys for a free, private case review.