Dentsville Car Accident Lawyer
You might be entitled to significant financial compensation if you or a loved one was recently hurt in an auto collision. The person or people who caused the accident should be held responsible, and our attorneys can help you get the justice you deserve. You should not have to suffer because of the actions of some other negligent driver.
To prove your car accident claims, we need evidence that helps us establish how the accident happened and what the defendant did to cause it. Evidence might involve photos you took after the collision, dashcam footage or videos from nearby security cameras, witness testimony, and more. We should also consider the cause of the accident, as it may help us determine who is responsible and what kind of evidence we need. Speeding, reckless driving, and unsafe driving conditions are just a few common factors to think about. We must also start evaluating your losses, injuries, and damages, as they will form the basis of your potential compensation.
Get a private, free case evaluation from our Columbia, SC car accident attorneys by calling Burriss Ridgeway Injury Lawyers at (803) 451-4000.
How to Prove Your Claims in a Car Accident Case
While you might know the truth of how the accident occurred and who is responsible, we need evidence to back you up. Not only that, but we need enough evidence to meet our burden or proof. To succeed and get fair compensation, our car accident attorneys must show by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant is liable for the accident. A preponderance of the evidence means that it is more likely than not that the defendant is responsible for the collision.
First, we should review the accident scene and the vehicles involved for possible evidence. Photographs of vehicle damage and the area where the crash happened might be valuable. The damage to the vehicles can shed light on the severity of the car accident and even provide insight into how it happened. For example, you might claim that the defendant T-boned you in an intersection, and photos of damage to the side of your vehicle rather than the front or back may support your claims.
Accident reconstruction experts may review as many details and evidence from the accident as possible and scientifically determine how everything happened. Details about vehicle damage, speed, and even tire marks on the road may help a reconstruction expert piece together the crash like a puzzle. Experts are often important in cases involving very complex accidents.
Some of the most important evidence in many car accident cases is testimony. Witnesses who saw the accident unfold may testify about what they know. Their testimony might be invaluable to your case if they saw how the defendant caused the accident. Your testimony might also be extremely important. Only you can talk about the pain you endured, the trauma of the crash, and how your life has been affected.
What Caused Your Dentsville Car Accident?
Knowing precisely how your accident happened might shed light on who is to blame and what kind of evidence might be available. No two accidents are exactly alike, and there might be any number of causational factors behind your accident. Below are a few cases our team has experience with.
Speed is a factor in many car accident cases. Most people are likely guilty of speeding. It is common for drivers to go a few miles per hour over the speed limit. However, when drivers travel at dangerous speed rates, other drivers might get hurt. Generally, the faster a vehicle is traveling when it crashes, the worse the accident may be. Even when speed is not the primary causational factor in a collision, it might make the accident and resulting injuries worse.
Reckless Driving
Sometimes, drivers on the road are simply too reckless. Reckless driving might involve several traffic violations or risky behaviors, often leading to collisions. For example, a speeding driver distracted by their phone while weaving between lanes without signaling might be cited for reckless driving. This is a serious traffic offense in South Carolina, and your attorney can talk to the police who responded to the accident to determine if the other driver was issued a ticket for reckless driving. If they were, we might use the citation to support your case.
Poor Driving Conditions
Driving conditions are not always ideal. Sometimes, we have to drive late at night when visibility is low or on slick roads during a thunderstorm. When the road and weather conditions are bad, drivers must adjust their driving accordingly. This might mean slowing down, using headlights, and signaling turns earlier than usual so drivers behind you can react accordingly. If the other driver did not adjust their driving to be safer while driving in poor conditions, they might be responsible for the resulting accident.
Damages You Might Recover in a Dentsville Car Accident Case
Your damages represent your losses and injuries resulting from the car crash. For many, damages represent major losses and life-altering injuries, and financial compensation should be significant.
Your compensatory damages are based on your economic and non-economic injuries. Economic injuries often include expenses and costs from the accident. For example, your hospital bills from when you were treated for your injuries may constitute a large portion of your economic damages. Medical care is known for being expensive, and you should not underestimate the value of your doctor visits. You might also claim the cost of your vehicle and any personal items that were inside. If your injuries make working impossible, you may claim the value of lost wages.
Non-economic injuries are usually based on personal yet painful experiences from the accident. As such, they tend to be more subjective, and their value may vary from case to case. Generally, jurors have the final say on what kind of compensation is warranted for non-economic damages. You might claim damages related to mental or emotional suffering, physical pain, embarrassment, the loss of enjoyment of your life, and other painful experiences.
Speak to Our Dentsville Car Accident Attorneys About Beginning Your Case
Get a private, free case evaluation from our car accident attorneys by calling Burriss Ridgeway Injury Lawyers at (803) 451-4000.