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Dillon, SC Car Accident Lawyer
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    Dillon, SC Car Accident Lawyer

    In a crash, your injuries only happen in the first place because of what the other driver did to cause the crash. That makes them responsible, and it should make them responsible for all the damages you face.

    With the help of our lawyers, you can file an insurance claim or a lawsuit against the at-fault driver or drivers, and we can help build a strong case. We will help you determine what damages you can claim, what they should be worth, and the best course of action to get them paid in full.

    For a free review of your case, contact the Florence, SC car accident attorneys at Burriss Ridgeway Injury Lawyers at (803) 451-4000.

    What Damages Can You Get in a Car Accident Case in Dillon, SC

    An at-fault driver should be held responsible for all damages resulting from the crash. When we seek damages, our car accident lawyers seek out all damages, including the obvious ones and less obvious damages you might not realize you can claim as part of a car accident case.

    Medical Expenses

    Getting your injuries treated after a crash is vital to a quick recovery – and it helps ultimately cut down on damages by treating injuries and disabilities early, before they have a chance to worsen. However, medical care is incredibly expensive, and drivers/passengers whose accidents were not their fault should not have to be the ones to foot the bill for this expensive care.

    Instead, the at-fault driver can be made to pay all damages for medical care, including related costs like hospital stays and emergency transportation costs. These damages are often paid out of their insurance, which may be the only way most people can afford them. However, getting insurance companies to pay what they owe is often difficult and should not be attempted without help from a lawyer.

    Lost Wages

    If your injury takes you out of work for even a day, you have lost wages because of this crash. Ongoing lost wages from a new disability or a long-term recovery period should be reimbursed by the defendant, too.

    If your injury keeps you from working in the future or causes you to go on light duties or take a different job, you can also claim lost future earnings or the reduction in wages as part of your damages. These calculations are often challenging, but our lawyers can advise you on how much you should claim for lost earnings.

    Other Economic Damages

    Other costs and expenses you face because of the accident, like the cost of repairing or replacing your car, the cost of hiring a babysitter while you are in the hospital, and the cost of help around the house while you recover should all be covered as well. These, along with medical bills and lost earnings, are all considered “economic damages” because they have a set value associated with them.

    Usually, these damage amounts are calculated based on the bills you faced – i.e., the costs you were charged or already paid for the expenses in question.

    Loss of Consortium

    When you get injured, it often affects your spouse, too. In many cases, your injury claim can include damages for your spouse’s damages from the harm to your relationship, your ability to help around the house, etc.

    Pain and Suffering/Non-Economic Damages

    Other damages are paid to reimburse you for what happened to your mind, body, and emotions. These are often grouped as “pain and suffering” and include things like emotional distress. These “non-economic damages” have no starting cost or bills and must be estimated based on how severe the effects were on your life.

    We have some methods we can use to calculate these damages based on the other economic values in your case, and pain and suffering can often constitute the highest portion of damages in your case.

    Punitive Damages

    In some cases, seriously dangerous drivers, negligent trucking/transportation companies, and people with repeat violations can be ordered to pay additional damages to punish them for their wrongdoing. However, the bar is high to get these punitive damages paid, and they are not available in most claims.

    Insurance Claims vs. Lawsuits for Car Accidents in Dillon, SC

    Usually, your case will start with an insurance claim. If the defendant and their insurance company pay all of your damages in a claim and you do not have to go to court, that will save you so much time and costs. It also saves them a lot, so many insurance companies are willing to settle this way.

    However, many insurance companies will not give the full amount in the initial settlement offer, and our lawyers will need to go back and forth with them to get you what you truly deserve. If they can end the case quickly with a low-dollar settlement, they will often try to do so, but if you need more than they are offering, going to court might be best.

    In court, the insurance company cannot hide from how much the case truly costs. Our lawyers can present evidence of your damages to the jury and let them decide how much it costs – if we can prove your case first.

    To prove your injury case in court, we will need evidence of what happened during the crash, what the other driver said and did, and how much the damages cost you. If you have a strong case, the defense and the insurance companies might be unable to defend against your accusations, making a settlement at a higher value more likely so they do not waste their time and money going to court just to lose.

    You might also have some first-party benefits on your insurance policy that you can claim in the meantime to help cover your damages while you await the final verdict in your case against the other driver. Your insurance company might be able to reclaim some of these costs in the end, which our attorneys can advise you about.

    Call Our Car Accident Attorneys in Dillon, SC Today

    If you were hurt in an accident, reach out to Burriss Ridgeway Injury Lawyers’ car accident attorneys at (803) 451-4000.