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Does a Pre-Existing Condition Affect a Car Accident Claim in South Carolina?

Have you had an aggravation of a pre-existing injury after a dangerous car crash? Do you feel as if you deserve compensation for the damage that’s been done? If so, then you need to learn how to approach cases where you’ve worsened pre-existing conditions.

Many people think that if the injury occurred before an accident took place, they can’t be compensated for it. However, if that car accident intensified your injury, then you’re entitled to compensation to cover the medical bills.

See below for an in-depth guide on how you can expect to deal with pre-existing injuries and car accidents.

Who Is Responsible for Your Injury?

This is a loaded question. If you’ve already been suffering from an injury and then got into a car accident in which your injury worsened, who is responsible for the injury you have?

The better question is, who is responsible for the worsening of your injury? When phrased that way, there’s no denying who’s at fault for the damages. It’s the party that is responsible for the car crash in general.

Too many people make the mistake of brushing off the situation because they already had the injury before the crash. They find themselves taking a tremendous setback both physically and financially as a result.

Put it this way: how do you not deserve compensation if you were on your way to 100-percent recovery before the accident? Instead of being close to 100-percent, you’re now forced to go back to square one with your rehabilitation.

If covering the costs of medical bills while you pursue compensation is the issue, then consider applying for pre-settlement funding to get things rolling in the right direction. That way, you can wait as long as it takes to see this thing through.

Who Pays for Your Injury?

Now that you know who is responsible for your worsened injury, who ends up covering your medical bills and giving you compensation? 

Many people don’t understand the process well enough. They avoid pursuing legal action because they don’t want to force another person to pay thousands of dollars for their medical attention.

However, it’s important to note that their insurance company will be the one providing you with the necessary money. You and your Columbia, SC car accident lawyer will be working with them to settle. If no settlement can be reached, then the process will go to trial.

Depending on the situation, this process can take a year or two to be completed, which is why pre-settlement funding is a great option.

Remember, the number one priority in all of this is your health. Focus on getting the treatment and therapy you need. If you hold off until you get compensation, your injury might turn into a life-altering disability.

What Is a Pre-Existing Injury?

Perhaps you’re wondering if you fit the bill of a pre-existing injury. Is there a certain limit to what can be considered pre-existing conditions?

Essentially, this term is used to define any injury or illness that you had (and was worsened) by the events that transpired. 

For example, perhaps you had a knee injury that you were recovering from that you got while playing sports. Two months into your rehab, you were hit by another car and the knee injury worsened from the condition it was in before the crash.

Even though the knee injury might not be as bad as the day you injured it playing the sport, it’s still considered to be the worsening of a pre-existing condition due to the car crash.

In other words, had the car crash not happened, your knee wouldn’t be in as bad of shape. Now you have to start all over with your recovery process and need to be compensated for it accordingly.

This definition depends on the injury. If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to a trusted Columbia car accident attorney to seek guidance on your situation.

Who Can I Turn to for Help?

Whenever you endure the aggravation of a pre-existing injury, you might feel as if all hope is lost. Not only has all of your progress been unwound, you now have the added pressure of making ends meet.

The aggravation of your pre-existing condition can lead to you missing even more time from work than you originally planned.

That’s why you must seek out the help of a personal injury attorney in Columbia, SC to build a case. They’ll help you compile evidence to show that you had a pre-existing injury and how it was worsened by a negligent driver.

More importantly, they can guide you through this unfamiliar process. Your attorney will set your expectations for the settlement process and answer any questions that you have.

They can give you an estimate on how long it might take, how much compensation you should be looking for, what the best avenue is to give you the upper hand and so on.

In the grand scheme of things, this is merely a small setback. As long as you find an attorney that’s willing to fight for you, you’ll be back on your feet in no time.

Take Pre-Existing Conditions Seriously: Seek Compensation for Your Injury

Now that you’ve seen an in-depth guide that highlights what pre-existing conditions are and how they affect your case, it’s time to find the right lawyer to represent you through these trying times.

Be sure to find a personal injury lawyer in South Carolina that you trust. There’s a chance you may be working with them for a while, so you want to make sure that they’re the right fit for your situation. 

Contact Burriss and Ridgeway Injury Lawyers today.


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